The 3rd Training Workshop for
Plastic industry’s Technician has been successfully organized
by the coordination of ITPC (Investment & Trade
Promotion Center), Tri Dung Business School, ATCN
(Asia Technical Cooperation network) and JICA (Japan
International Cooperation Agency). The purpose of this program is
to create a connection for future cooperation and development, encouraging
the exchange of technology from Japan, begins with managers and
technicians level.
Started from 19/10 until 23/10, the program had 3 main topics. The
first was Training Centralized Training, second was Visiting factual
production chain and the last topic was Providing Technical Consulting
by Demand for business firms. Centralized Training focused in problems
and solutions for Vietnam plastic industry in recent time. The workshop
also introduced pipe extrusion technology, plate, Engineering sheet
and pipe construction, CAE technology, Injection molding technology
and solutions to handle frauds, reducing power consumption for injection
molding machines. Besides that, other issues such as required machine
and related equipment to produce in high pressure condition, plastic
products and Osmosis rain water system, the roles of additive materials
in plastic production, application of CAE, Japanese injection molding
technology and training condition for plastic technician in Japan
are included in content of this program.
Via the method of direct interaction along with real life applications,
this program truly provided much helpful information for participants,
contributing to the premise of the development of supporting industries
in HCMC, fulfilling the actual requirement and improving technology
and management methods of other plastic firms.